DCCC Takes Out $15 Million Loan


The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, seeing an irresistible opportunity to make big gains on Election Day, has secured a $15 million loan that it will use to splurge on tight races during the last three weeks of the campaign season.

The $15 million loan is nearly twice the $8 million that the National Republican Congressional Committee was able to borrow recently and adds to the huge financial advantage that Democrats already hold over the GOP.

When combined with the cash-on-hand advantage that the DCCC has over the National Republican Congressional Committee – $54 million to $14.4 million as of Aug. 31 – the loan leaves House Democratic leaders with $47 million more than their GOP counterparts to pour into contested districts.

In 2006, the DCCC took out an $11.5 million loan in the home stretch to help pay for the IE operations. At $15 million, this cash injection is nearly twice the size of the cash-strapped NRCC’s $8 million loan, ensuring that the NRCC won’t be able to outspend the DCCC anywhere.

That sound you hear is Tom Cole weeping into his Appletini.

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